Friday, June 16, 2006

Whats Missing????

A wierd thought came to my mind. Previously, why is that people never felt the need for TV, music systems, PC with internet, etc., etc....???? Even without all these they were satisfied and lived a happy life.
Is it that they worked more than what we do today, hence sparing them no time for all the electronic entertainment gadgets. Well, I don't think this was the case. Agreed, most of these devices were absent in that era, but the point here is that they lived a much much happier life.
I guess they had much more free time than us. And, in this free time, they socialised much more than us. While they had long chats(in person), we have virtual chats(messengers). While they used to play cards, we play those stupid PC games. While they visited 'mela' and 'natak', we fiddle with remote surfing innumerable channels.
We are just waiting for a spare minute..... as soon as we find one, either the PC or the TV clicks ON.
Aggred that our grand and great grand parents lived in a different world altogether, but i guess simplicity was the key to their happy lives.
It is like the saying "It is so simple to be happy, but it is so difficult to be simple"



Blogger Amol said...


very true

Sat Jun 17, 10:18:00 AM 2006  
Blogger VJ the PsychO said...

This the world of fakebility, long gone are those days when friends used to get together and laugh together, watching friends giving that million dollar smile, trying to cheer up a fallen its all the emocation world, u friends send a lol even when there in no mood to laugh, they send a smiley even they mite be sad.......

but this is the sole truth, the shrinking world and expanding contacts can only be topped with such means.......

Tue Jun 20, 05:11:00 PM 2006  

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